Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New plann of RSS to destoy Buddhisum in India

Namo Buddhay!

I here to disclose news, which is against Buddhist people of India. It will aftect and plan of RSS activated after 1 and 1/2 year later. RSS people involve their people in Buddhist Organisation, as a leading Monk and Leader. But they are fake buddhist who will missguide buddhist people about Babari Mashid Place. Around 10-12 year before they kill lat of Muslim in subject of Babari Maszid, and now they involve in Buddhist Community and teaching Buddhist people that place is not of Babari or not of Rama Janmabhumi that place belong to buddhist Vihara.

And they will try to fight between Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist. What will happend here Muslim and Hindu will kill Buddhist and try to destroy buddhisum in India.


Jai Bhim